
At St. Mary’s we have structured an ambitious and relevant curriculum to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding the children will need to achieve well in their primary school education, to ensure this continues at their next place of learning at secondary school, and ultimately to help them prepare to take their place as adults in a rapidly changing workplace.

We have adopted a mastery approach to learning, ensuring that there is frequent opportunity to revisit and reinforce new skills, engaging the children with vocabulary rich and high quality texts and discussion, whilst endeavouring to provide opportunities for children to rehearse and apply their skills and knowledge in practical contexts.

Our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We aim to make our curriculum accessible for all children, including those with disabilities or SEN. Please see our SEND Policy, Accessibility Policy, Equality Objectives & Policy documents for more information. 

The curriculum is rooted in the Jesuit virtues and values (see also the Virtues and Values page in Catholic Life).

We differentiate when necessary and provide additional support to ensure children of all abilities can access the curriculum.

Our curriculum is open and accessible to all children, regardless of gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs.

You can find full details of our entire curriculum below.



How Parents can find out more:

  • If you already have a child in school then please speak to your child’s class teacher for more information about our curriculum.
  • If you are a prospective parent or member of the public, please contact the school office in the first instance.

School Curriculum Overview: Year 1-6

Parent Curriculum Maps:

Autumn 1: 2024/25 - Current Year 

Autumn 2: 2024/25 - Current Year 

Curriculum Subjects:


Early Years Foundation Stage:

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application