Collective Worship

The act of Collective Worship is central to the life of the school.  It is a way of affirming our individuality and our communal belonging to the Body of Christ.

At St. Mary’s, each day begins and ends with a short prayer.  Graces are said at the end of the morning and the start of afternoon sessions.  The main purpose of our school assemblies is to bring the school community or part of the school community together in worship and prayer.  Within each assembly there is always an opportunity for Prayer and Worship, and involves the children taking part in a variety of prayer experiences.

Further celebrations include:

  • Mass in church at the beginning and end of each school term
  • Mass in the school hall on Thursday mornings with members of the parish community
  • Family Masses on Sundays throughout the year
  • Children join the parish community for the celebration of Mass on special feasts and Holy days
  • Child-led prayer services
  • Harvest Festival service
  • Remembrance assemblies
  • KS2 Carol Service
  • KS1 Christmas show
  • Foundation Stage Nativity
  • Stars and Crowns service/mass for Epiphany
  • Candlemas celebration
  • Holy Week liturgies
  • Stations of the Cross
  • May Procession
  • Special Assemblies to welcome particular individuals to school.

Whole School Collective Worship

Day Place Leader Focus
Monday Hall SLT Two assemblies - EYFS & KS1, KS2 The teachings of the Gospel.
Tuesday Hall Class Teachers/ children Oremus - two classes come together in the hall to learn prayers pertinent to their year groups and to understand the uses and meanings of these prayers.
Wednesday Hall Class teachers on a rota basis Wednesday Word. Two assemblies - EYFS & KS1, KS2 Based on the forthcoming Sunday Gospel.
Thursday Hall Fr. Paul Two classes attend mass on a rota basis.
Thursday Classroom Children In class prayer service planned by the children (for classes that are not at mass).
Thursday Hall Ms. Logan KS2 Hymn Practice.
Friday Hall Mr Linford Present and Praise assembly (celebrating the children's achievements).
Friday Hall Ms. Logan KS1 Hymn Practice.

Dan & Emily (One Life Music) in school - Nov 2016


The full Collective Worship Policy can be read by clicking on the link below:

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application